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A new Roasting
You would like to roast with high control of thermoregulation?
Serve your customers uncontaminated coffee that respects the entire supply chain:
from the producer to the consumer.
Safeguard the environment with low emissions, save over 60%
of the energy cost of production
Roast coffee by supporting the ecological transition, the future is already today.
Sweet Coffee Italia, since 2006 production and sale of electric coffee roasters.
From green beans to green roasting, a sustainable solution.
A slow and meticulous roasting of the coffee grain is fundamental to be able to offer a good coffee, because here the bean releases all the flavors, and it is ready for the coffee grinding. Thanks to a careful craftmanship the coffee beans begin to turn brown fourthly start expanding, and release the internal caffeine, resulting in an ecstasy of aroma and flavors.
An efficient and elegant line of roasters, with different load capacities and perfect roasting quality.
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